Sharing a meal is a recipe for miracles as people experience culture, connection, and hospitality together through food and conversation. I was pleased as I reached Casa Garcia to not only pay the 10 Euros ($12) for my stay, but to be asked if I would like to join the Pilgrim’s Meal served there for another 10 Euros ($12).
And what an amazing meal it was. Rich in flavor and quantity, the pilgrim’s meal generally has 3 courses: the salad/soup, the entrée, the dessert, all served with beverage and often fresh bread. This was my first pilgrim’s meal, and it did not disappoint. After light eating through the day, I relaxed into this hearty meal and enjoyed the buzz of stories shared with my tablemates from Germany and Great Britain.
There really is something miraculous about gathering around a table for a meal. Jesus embodied this often as he taught about inclusion and belonging, gratitude and celebration, deadness to aliveness, through the breaking of bread together.
When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them- some food, a place in our homes, our time- not only do we no longer remain poor; we are enriched. – Pope Francis