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Muxia: May 16, 2019


Overview of Day 6:

I wasn’t finished yet.  I needed to take the last 2 hour journey by bus to the Atlantic Ocean.  Some people walk from Santiago to the ocean to complete their trek across all of Spain; I did not have the 3 extra days to walk, and yet, I wanted to complete an important mission.

After a good night’s sleep in Santiago, I walked to the bus station the next morning and boarded a bus to Muxía.  I sat with Nina from Copenhagen, Denmark, who began walking a route of the Camino every year since her divorce in 2010.  The time flew by on the bus as we shared stories with one another.

Muxía and Finisterre are both coastal towns in which pilgrims find the final 0,000 km majon.  Before discovering that the earth was not flat, this was literally called “the end of the Earth.”  Not knowing which town to visit (they are 18 miles apart), I was nudged to choose Muxía and am so grateful for this divine prompting. 

My four hours in Muxía was a supernatural encounter for me, and the deep “knowing” I walked away with was worth more than I can put into language.  I shall try over this next week to finish my Camino ramblings by sharing my experience in Muxía, there, at the end of the Earth.

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